CompMake - Component-oriented Cross-platform Make Library

This package contains GNU Make scripts designed to build (compile, link, etc.) reusable software components in a platform independent manner. Please refer to any of my components for an example of its usage.

Currently, C/C++ is the only directly supported language. Java components are expected to use a tool such as Ant.

License: LGPL

jvminvoke - Java VM Invocation Library

This component contains C library functions for loading a Java Virtual Machine and executing a Java program class (i.e. containing a method "public static void main(String[] args)").

Requires CompMake to build.

License: LGPL

VeraParser.jj - JavaCC parser definition for the Vera language

This package contains a rough draft of a bare-bones JavaCC parser definition for the Vera language, including its preprocessor language. It was last built with JDK 1.4, JavaCC 2.0, and Ant 1.54, though JDK 1.2+ and JavaCC 1.x+ should work.

License: LGPL

Expat 2.0.1 Project Files for Visual Studio 2008 & x64

This package contains a Visual Studio 2008 solution file (.sln) and project files (.vcproj) for Expat 2.0.1 that includes x64 platform (in addition to Win32). Just unzip the file to your Expat directory, do a Batch Build of the desired configurations, and your x64 binaries will be placed in win64\bin\Debug|Release.


Copyright © 2009 Trevor Robinson. All Rights Reserved.